Monday, June 20, 2011

Camping Time

I don't know if you look forward to the weekend as much as I do, but it's almost unhealthy. It is a combination of the excitment at the opportunity to spend two full days with my husband and a need for sun (don't get to see much of that from the windowless lobby where I work). Well, this week I got lucky--3 days of freedom. I took a day off to visit social security and the DMV so I could officially become a Bath (Ya! I know I've been married for, like, 3 1/2 months now). We planned it well and ended up being done by 10 am! Do you think I went back to work after? No way man! We got ready to go on our first camping excursion of the summer. We headed out with Brian (Brandon's brother) and experienced luxury camping at its finest. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of "roughing it" Brian-style, he sure does take care of his fellow campers. Steaks and Alfredo for dinner, hot chocolate when you wake up, and he is prepared with every form of camping gear that you might EVER need. The next day we went fishing. Didn't catch anything. And even though fish were jumping around 3 feet from the shore to taunt us, we still had a good ole time...except for one thing...I love the outdoors, but apparently the outdoors didn't love me this weekend. My fair (you might even say "pasty") skin could not handle the intensity of the sun while we were fishing. Someone's gotta keep those aloe vera people in business!

It is still that intense shade of lobster.

Here is Brian taking care of our tummies.

The sky was awesome...

And even more awesome.

Brandon and I went adventuring the next morning and climbed the hill above our campsite. You can see Brian's truck and our tents in the picture of Brandon sharpening his binocular skills. Also note the stylish camo hat that was given to me as a gift. :)

Doesn't this look relaxing?

I now own a brand new fishing pole and tackle box (complete with knife) thanks to Brandon. He also taught me how to build a fire. What a man!

1 comment:

Jennifer Pelo Rawlings said...

That looks mighty painful, the burn not the camping. I'm glad you had a nice weekend.